b2ap3_thumbnail_feed-the-fish-signage_web.jpgBridgewater Marina is excited to announce that we will donate 100 percent of popcorn sales in 2017 to Make-A-Wish of Greater Virginia. Our goal is to raise $10,000!

Kids have been feeding popcorn to the carp that gather around the docks at Bridgewater Marina for decades. For many a trip to Smith Mountain Lake just isn't the same without a stop at Bridgewater Plaza to feed the fish (sound familiar?).

The staff and I wanted to turn that fun Smith Mountain Lake tradition into a way to help a worthy charity that serves children. We’re calling it "Feed the Fish for Make-A-Wish."

Popcorn may be purchased daily at our main Bridgewater Plaza location for $1 per bag. b2ap3_thumbnail_feed-the-fish2_web.jpg

All proceeds will benefit Richmond-based Make-A-Wish of Greater Virginia whose mission is to grant the wish of every child diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition. Examples include meeting celebrities, working a dream job and visiting a desired destination such as Disney World.

To help promote the program, we've installed new signage in the store and outside near the docks. We're also getting the word out via Facebook and Twitter and would greatly appreciate your likes, comments and shares.

Thanks to all who have purchased popcorn in the past and will continue to do so to support this very worth charity! 

~ Ryan and the team at Bridgewater Marina